About RG

RG, (or he who refers to himself in third person) was born in Texas back in 1958, but spent most of his childhood in South Carolina. He began drawing before he could walk and never stopped working at it. At the age of five, he and his mother joined his father in Germany, and lived there until he was eight years old. Then they lived in Missouri until they returned to SC when he was ten years old. RG was bilingual for a short time, but sadly forgot the German he learned while overseas.

After high school, RG attended the University of SC, where he received an Associate’s degree in Art and Education, and later a Bachelor’s degree in Media Arts.

In 1980, he got a job as a route salesman, (way to use that degree, right?) and married his wife, who he had met a year earlier in Charleston. His eldest son was born in 1981.

After that, he pulled two hitches in the USAF, where he worked on weather sensing equipment, (to include weather radar) and was trained in electronic and digital technology. During this time, he and his family were stationed in Spain for four years where his younger son was born. While there, RG learned to speak Castilian Spanish, but (like the German he learned) forgot it in later years. After Spain, he was stationed in Florida for four years, where his daughter was born.

After being honorably discharged, he and his family moved back to South Carolina. There, he worked at a variety of positions but the longest held were that of a die cutter and later, a graphic designer.

Then, in 2000 he was disabled from multiple sclerosis and bed ridden for a year and a half. During that time, he wrote Tiny Courage and taught himself how to design web pages. In 2005, he launched the webcomics: “When Foxes Fly”, and “Lost Legends of Whoelterran”. Both are presented from a Christian perspective and RG can best be described as a Charismatic Baptist.

20 thoughts on “About RG

  1. Wow, u have quite a story don’t you…you have been a lot of places & experienced some major things & you stay moving forward – that’s awesome & amazing. Rather than let life get u down u stepped up & conquered!

    I wanted to stop in & say thank you so much for visiting & liking my blog post (Are You A Team Player). Now that I know a lil about RG I shall return to read more of yours! I bless you my brother.


  2. I was also born in 1958. Besides the blogging I also volunteer at Nursing/Rest Homes where I have seen first hand the effects of MS. I don’t know what it’s like to have a body that no longer responds the same to the intact mind but I do know, and have been amazed, by those who do not let the disease define them. You have my respect and admiration.
    A Servant


  3. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the follow of our blog. I never want to take it for granted. Also, are you okay? Haven’t heard from you in a while.
    A Servant
    P.S. Next week I’ll be introducing a new blog idea and will be asking for input. I sure would like for you to chime in with what you think.


    1. Thank you so much for asking. I’m okay, just putting a lot of energy into learning 3D modeling. It’s a new art form for me but I feel God is using it to help me develop more as an artist. Not exactly sure where He is going to lead me through this new talent, but I’m excited to find out! 😀


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